At a glance

Initiative goal

SANDEE brings together researchers and decision-makers from South Asia to address development-environment challenges. SANDEE's mission is to strengthen the ability of researchers to undertake multi-disciplinary research on the economics of environmental and natural resource problems.

Regional Programme

Mountain Knowledge and Action Networks

mani nepal

Mani Nepal arrow

Programme Coordinator

Economics and the environment

Developing empirical evidence

SANDEE’s current research focuses on the economics of natural resource use and environmental change including ecosystems management, the economics of climate change, and policies and programmes for greener development. It aims to develop empirical evidence on underlying economic and institutional issues in order to inform policy and improve environmental management.

Understanding the economics of environmental change and development is key to unlocking a sustainable future in South Asia. South Asia is going through a period of rapid economic growth, which is expected to relieve the burden of poverty.

However, questions remain about whether this growth is ecologically viable and whether the gains from growth will endure. SANDEE operates under the principle that greener growth and sustainable development are necessary in South Asia and are possible with the implementation of evidence-based solutions.


SANDEE’s aim is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions in South Asia to undertake research on the interlinkages among economic development, poverty, and environmental change and to disseminate practical information that can be applied to development policies.


SANDEE manages two annual research grant cycles to support researchers in South Asia in answering pressing questions related to climate change and other challenges at the intersection of economic development and environmental change.

Geo coverage

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Sir Partha Dasgupta
The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta review

The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review (2021) provides a rich overview of the economics of biodiversity, paints a bleak picture of the current state of biodiversity, and is a call to arms for action in anticipation of the CBD COP 15. The Review takes a global perspective aimed at the high level of international and national policy on biodiversity, while elucidating the very local nature of biodiversity threats and values. The central point of The Review is that the economy is embedded in the environment and growth is limited. The Review provides a new framework, grounded in ecology and Earth Sciences, yet applying the principles from finance and economics to understand the sustainability of our interaction with nature and prioritize efforts to enhance nature and prosperity.

On 6 July 2021, as part of the SANDEE-ICIMOD lecture series, Prof. Dasgupta will highlight different aspects of The Review in his keynote address and outline its relevance to the region.

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Supporting research for leadership development

SANDEE manages two annual research grant cycles to support researchers in South Asia in answering pressing questions related to climate change and other challenges at the intersection of economic development and environmental change.  SANDEE grants: Undergo a competitive, peer-reviewed grant-making process. Support 2- to 3-year research projects and provide researchers from South Asia with the opportunity to share their findings on regional and global stages through mobility and travel grants.

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Our projects

Cities and Climate change
Cities and Climate Change Research
Economics of forest restoration
Economics of forest restoration

Financial partners

SANDEE has core financial partners and implementing partners which are listed below:

Core financial partners

  • The International Development Research Centre, IDRC, Canada
  • The Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency, SIDA, Sweden
  • ICIMOD Regional Member Countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan)

Implementing partners

  • Individuals associated with various universities, governments, research institutions, and NGOs across South Asia.


Tribute to SANDEE stalwarts

Remembering Prof. Rabindranath Bhattacharya
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A Vaidyanathan
Paying homage to Professor A Vaidyanathan(1931–2020)
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Karl-Göran Mäler
Remembering Karl-Göran Mäler(1939–2020)
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N S Jodha
Remembering Narpat S Jodha(1937–2020)
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Stories from the SANDEE network

Our researchers and alumni talk about their personal journey with SANDEE and their association with the network.

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Events Around the HKH

Our involvement

Research Grants

SANDEE research grants

SANDEE provides research support to South Asian researchers and institutions interested in the inter-connection among development, natural resource use and the environment. Research grants are provided for conducting research on topics related to economics and the environment in South Asian countries.

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Highlights from the SANDEE network

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News and features


In the news

Media coverage

We collaborate with partner agencies across the HKH to foster regional cooperation, synchronize data sources, share innovative solutions, and direct global attention to the region. Learn more about our work and their impacts.


Meet the team

Both internally and externally, our multicultural staff and partners are our greatest asset. They provide us with a broad perspective across disciplines, and offer us localized knowledge like no other.


Education and training

SANDEE organizes a variety of training courses and workshops. The objective of these training courses and workshops is to strengthen the capacity of South Asian professionals and institutions to teach environmental and resource economics and to conduct policy oriented research in this field.

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SANDEE’s outreach happens through a variety of activities. Written dissemination is through peer reviewed publications and working papers and reports. Policy dissemination and dialogue occurs through committee membership, discussions at policy meetings and through the popular press. Dissemination also occurs through teaching at universities and training workshops.

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sandee outreach


Click here for access to all SANDEE publications including working papers, policy briefs, bibliographies, newsletters, and annual report.




Click here for access to SANDEE resources (such as data and questionnaires) as well as links to outside sites that may useful for academics and researchers interested in teaching environmental and resource economics and conducting research in this field.


For mountains and people


Influencing policies

Influencing policies in the regional member countries of the HKH region has been a continuous process for ICIMOD.

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mountain goats

Scaling up & out

ICIMOD recognizes the multi-dimensional aspects of scaling up (vertical expansion) and scaling out (horizontal expansion) of innovations, programme ideas and solutions.

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Related content


18th SANDEE Summer School on environmental and resource economics
18th SANDEE Summer School on environmental and resource economics
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Call for research concept notes: Economics of climate risks, natural resource use and environmental change 2024
Call for research concept notes: Economics of climate risks, natural resource use and environmental change 2024
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Economics of forest restoration
Economics of forest restoration
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SANDEE Newsletters
SANDEE Newsletters
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Stories from the SANDEE network
Stories from the SANDEE network
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