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3 Jul 2017 | Cryosphere

Building Capacity on Database Management in Bhutan

Pema Namgyal from the National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM), Bhutan, completed a two-week long on-the-job training on database and system management at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) headquarters in Kathmandu, Nepal. Namgyal worked alongside cryosphere and remote sensing experts from 15–26 May 2017.

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Namgyal worked alongside cryosphere and remote sensing experts during his on-the-job training at ICIMOD. Photo credit: Chimi Seldon/ICIMOD

Namgyal was introduced to data, data types, data format, database structure, MODIS snow data, and database management. He also learned about the metadata using International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19115 template and worked on real case data/filling up metadata using real data. He was introduced to Geo-Network and MSSQL Software, and given training on the installation of such software in the new Cryosphere Knowledge Hub to be set up in NCHM by the end of 2017. As part of his training, he sat in on discussions about correspondence mechanisms and data submission with the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS). Bhutan will have a WGMS national correspondent once its Cryosphere Knowledge Hub is set up.

Namgyal worked alongside cryosphere and remote sensing experts during his on-the-job training at ICIMOD.
Photo credit: Chimi Seldon/ICIMOD

ICIMOD organized the training based on a request from NCHM for capacity building support on database management. As part of preparations for setting up its Cryosphere Knowledge Hub, NCHM has recently installed a server which will host data on cryosphere, and on its hydrological and meteorological monitoring activities. As the designated database and management person within NCHM, Namgyal will use the lessons learnt during the training at ICIMOD to operationalize the Cryosphere Knowledge Hub for NCHM per established data and meta-data standards.

Capacity building in its implementing partners is one of the main goals for ICIMOD’s Cryosphere Programme. The programme hopes that such efforts will help partners carry out long-term glacier research and monitoring activities, and also enable better knowledge and data exchange.

The training was carried out under the Cryosphere Monitoring Programme within the Cryosphere Initiative.


The National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) was formerly known as the Department of Hydro-Met Services (DHMS)

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