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1 min Read
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development’s (ICIMOD) Strategic Committee Meeting of Upper Indus Basin (UIB) Network was held 17 October 2016, Islamabad, Pakistan to discuss the actions points of August 5 2016 meeting; integration mechanism, joint funding proposal development, expanding UIB Network and mechanism to enhance UIB Network awareness. Khalid Mohtadullah, Chairperson of UIB Network, chaired the meeting. Two strategic committee members, two advisors and three special invitees (from ICIMOD) participated in the meeting.
Mr Mohtadullah highlighted the significance of integration of UIB Network. Representing the UIB Secretariat, Abdul Wahid Jasra reported on the progress and hurdles of instigating action points of the previous meeting. He shared the communication with Gilgit Baltistan government regarding ICIMOD’s planning to support the government for a provincial climate change adaptation action plan. He also shared the progress on the development of ToRs for UIB working groups leads and strategic committee members as well as extending the membership of UIB Network.
During the discussion, the committee agreed to draft an agreed funding proposal to secure grants for research. The financial flow will not only integrate the technical working groups but also enhance the awareness that will attract the other relevant organisations. Ghulam Rasul shared the ongoing call for proposals and submissions by GCRF-RUCK Collective Fund.
In the concluding remarks, Mr Mohtadullah emphasised the development of a joint proposal to generate resources for research. He assured an integrated project would tighten the network and would attract more institutions.
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