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6 Jun 2016 | KSL

Springshed Management Training at Godavari

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Kailash Sacred Landscape (KSL), HI-AWARE and Water Land and Ecosystem (WLE) initiatives of ICIMOD jointly with Advanced Center for Water Resouces Development and Management (ACWADAM) organised a training on ‘Springshed Management for Field Implementers’ at ICIMOD Knowledge Park at Godavari from 25-30 April 2016.

The purpose of the training was to share 8 steps methodology (as listed below) for springshed development and management developed by ICIMOD with partners, and to enable partner implementation of these methodology in the HKH region.

  1. Comprehensive mapping of springs and springsheds
  2. Setting up a data monitoring system
  3. Understanding social and governance aspects of springs
  4. Hydrogeological mapping
  5. Creating a conceptual hydrogeological layout of springshed
  6. Classification of spring types, identifying mountain aquifers and recharge areas
  7. Developing springshed management protocols
  8. Measuring hydrological and other impacts of spring revival activities

There were 36 participants including ten female participants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. The training sessions covered theoretical, practical and many field exercises for each of the above steps. Most of the participants said the field exercises helped them understand springs as a part of the groundwater system and the science of hydrogeology that governs the occurrence and movement of water in underground aquifers. They also learned springshed management approaches including improving spring discharges and water quality.

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