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The Regional Database System (RDS) of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has made available a new tranche of datasets for free download. All 16 data layers/tables listed below can be downloaded free from ICIMOD’s RDS portal. Visitors can view the detailed metadata for each data layer by clicking on any of the links below. To download the corresponding dataset, a visitor has to follow a simple registration process.
1 min Read
Birds Species of Wakhan Corridor
Birds Species of Wakhan and Big Pamir
Vegetation Species in Pamirs of China
Mammal Species of Taxkorgan Nature Reserve
Bird Species of Zorkul Nature Reserve
Fish Species of Zorkul Nature Reserve
Mammal Species of Zorkul Nature Reserve
Vegetation Species of Zorkul Nature Reserve
Landslides in Koshi Basin 1990
Landslides in Koshi Basin 2010
Land cover of Koshi Basin 1990
Land cover of Koshi Basin 2000
Land cover of Koshi Basin 2010
Soil loss in Koshi Basin 1990
Soil loss in Koshi Basin 2010
Mountain Peaks of Koshi Basin
Photo Credit: Tao Zhang
The datasets were developed under the Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape (HKPL) and the Koshi Basin Initiative. The datasets can also be accessed from the corresponding initiative websites. Data layers from the Koshi Basin Initiative can be visualized in the Koshi Basin Information System (KBIS).
ICIMOD’s RDS acts as a central data repository for different thematic areas in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) and provides easy access to these data. The portal supports free search text, and advanced search based on the title, abstract, keyword, or category, or within a user-defined geographic extent.
The RDS is an initiative and is housed under ICIMOD’s Mountain Environment Regional Information System (MENRIS) programme. The RDS has put in place ICIMOD’s Data Sharing Policy, data and metadata standards, and necessary hardware and software infrastructure. The Data Sharing Policy facilitates data sharing in the region and among the global community, enabling data use beyond the original research, and has been aligned with the philosophy of open and free access to scientific information and knowledge.
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