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Up to 18 thousand gross tonnes of carbon are stored in worldwide soils, almost double the amount stored in all terrestrial plants and over three times that of the atmospheric pool. The amount of carbon stored in soil possesses the potential to sequester atmospheric carbon — both direct and indirect emission of carbon from agricultural land — and represents 17-32 percent of all global human induced greenhouse gas emission including land use change. Soil productivity, in terms of organic matter and physical and chemical properties, plays a significant role in climate change mitigation and food security. Carbon sequestration also has the potential to offset global fossil fuel emissions by up to 15 percent.
Recent vulnerability assessments show over 40 percent of Hindu Kush (HKH) households are facing de-creasing yields in their five most important crops as a result of floods, droughts, frost, hail, and disease. To cope up with the climate change mountain farmers are changing farming practices, crop varieties, abandoning staple food production and livestock varieties, and are more involved with cash crop production, but these adopted techniques are leading to more vulnerable food security.
A two week field visit was organised to Mustang, Nepal to assess soil productivity, organic carbon and physiochemical characteristics linking to climate change mitigation and food security. At 3,840 meters, Mustang’s rocky highlands comprise barren, agricultural, orchard, forest and degraded shrub lands.
The assessment found most locals are dependent on forest products for cooking and heating fuel during the winter. In areas where possible, Populas ciliate (Bhote Pipal), Salix sps (Bains) and Prunus cerasoids (Painyu) are planted, most planted by Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP).
Soil samples were collected in both upper and lower Mustang from 28 plots. Properties such as pH, soil organic carbon, soil texture and bulk density, cation exchange capacity, total nitrogen, available phos-phor, available potassium will be determined through the sample collections. The collected samples have been brought to Kathmandu University/Aquatic Ecology Center (AEC) for the analysis. Analysis should reveal yield and productivity of the land based on the multiple benefits of soil organic carbon and societal values thereon.
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#塑战速决 (#BeatPlasticPollution) –今年世界环境日的三项行动 似乎没有任何地方可以免受塑料污染浪潮的影响:即使是地球之巅。上周在当地社区、登山者和政要前往纪念珠峰人类首登 70 周年时,ICIMOD 发起了我们新的 #拯救我们的雪(#SaveOurSnow)活动——一段视频显示被留在珠峰(南坡)大本营的堆积如山的塑料制品和其他垃圾的消息迅速传播开来。 但我们这代人可以扭转塑料潮流吗?随着谈判代表离开巴黎,同意起草一份具有国际法律约束力的条约草案以终结塑料污染,而在设立世界环境日的50周年呼吁采取集体行动来抵制它,有充分的理由充满希望。 同样重要的是,我们有充分的理由采取行动:塑料工业不仅是世界上增长最快的工业温室气体来源,而且塑料废物极大地加剧了兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区现有的气候变化、生物多样性丧失和污染等问题,ICIMOD 的 南亚网络开发和环境经济学(South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics ,简称SANDEE)。原因如下: 气候:固体废物——其中大部分是塑料——堵塞了排水系统,并增加了破坏性洪水,即由全球变暖引发的更频繁且更强烈的降雨事件引发的洪水。 生物多样性:塑料垃圾可能需要数百年才能分解,它们堵塞水道,其中的有害化学物质渗入土壤和水中,影响陆地和水生生物、生态系统和人类健康。 ...
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