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1 min Read
We were granted institutional membership of the NDC Partnership on 30 November 2021. With this, ICIMOD is now part of a wider coalition committed to working together for climate action and sustainable development across the planet.
All our regional member countries (RMCs) have ratified the 2015 Paris Agreement. While some of them have already submitted revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs), others are in the process of doing so. We have been working in the RMCs to strengthen policy engagement on key regional issues and global commitments, including the NDCs. We have also been assisting policymakers responsible for taking forward the NDCs and other climate change-related policies of national, provincial, and local governments in the HKH.
Institutional membership of the NDC Partnership enables us to better support the RMCs in the NDC implementation process and advance global climate goals. We are seeking to enhance our engagement with the RMCs to facilitate the implementation of the NDCs in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
The NDC Partnership works with national governments, international institutions, civil society, researchers, and the private sector to fast-track climate and development action. Through partnerships with various stakeholders, we intend to generate knowledge for filling information gaps so that policymakers can develop and implement plans to meet their NDC targets. This partnership will also lead to increased access to data, finance, and technology for the RMCs.
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