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2 Apr 2015 | News

Maximizing Rural Value Chains in Myanmar

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In March, ICIMOD and the Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development (MIID) conducted a value chain workshop and community visit in Shan State as part of the Himalica pilot project in Myanmar. The workshop participants included government representatives, farmers and traders in addition to MIID and ICIMOD staff. The Himalica pilot in Myanmar aims to use value chains and micro-planning to build the villagers’ capacity to adapt to climate change. The workshop concluded that ginger and bamboo value chains are particularly well suited for the area, and there are many opportunities for increasing local incomes. So far the project has conducted baseline research, set up livelihood development groups and water management committees, identified value chains, and improved water facilities in the village. The next steps will be to further strengthen village institutions and use farmer field schools to improve their

agricultural productivity as well as maximize value chains.




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