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1 min Read
Access to sources of energy is still a major limiting factor to sustainable development in may part of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. Large areas are still not electrified, and where there is electricity it is often unreliable or prohibitively expensive. Fossil fuels are often not easily available or are too expensive for daily use. Mountain people have always relied on renewable energies like wood, animal dung, and draught power for survival – be they for cooking food, keeping the house warm, milling grain, ploughing fields, or transporting goods; bu the traditional energy sources are no longer sufficient to meet people’s needs, and there is increasing concern about the negative impacts associated with their use. Wood is becoming scare increasing the time spent in collection; deforestation is leading to land degradation and loss of groundwater recharge amongst others; and indoor pollution from wood and dung smoke is a major cause of respiratory and other health problems.
However, mountain areas have vast untapped source of potential energy in the form of running water and long hours of sunshine. Recent development in technologies for renewable energy, offer possibilities for using this energy on a small-scale at low cost to reduce household drudgery, provide electricity for domestic use, and support and sustain income-generating activities. Overall, the potential for sustainable use of renewable energy resources in the Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) exceeds by far the total energy consumption in the region.
The activities at the Knowledge Park at Godavari focus on the demonstration of simple low-cost renewable energy technologies that can be used by farmers to support agricultural, domestic, or small-scale income generating activities. Most of the demonstrations are provided in partnership with different local NGOs. We welcome other groups to use this site for demonstration of appropriate technologies that complement the ongoing demonstration and training activities.
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