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11 Dec 2019 | Livestock and fish

Livestock and Fish

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Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD.

Livestock are an integral component of the mixed farming system practiced by the great majority of farmers in the hill and lower mountain regions of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. Livestock eat crop and food processing residues and vegetation from areas that cannot be used for crops and turn them into valuable manure for fields and kitchen gardens; milk, meat, and eggs for consumption and sale; raw materials for clothing; and power for ploughing and transport. Cattle, buffalo, goats, pigs, and chickens are the most common animals kept in the mid-hills. Until recently most animals were kept for subsistence purposes, but in recent times farmers are looking increasingly at livestock as a source of income, and have started rearing other animals like ducks, rabbits, and fish for income generation.

ICIMOD’s livestock-related activities at Godavari focus on new approaches for using livestock for income generation, taking advantage of the experience of ICIMOD’s partners in other countries.


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Vegetation management

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Fruits, Nuts and Spices

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11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Meteorological Monitoring

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11 Dec 2019 Income generation
Income Generation through High-Value Cash Crops, Horticulture, and Beekeeping

Developing realistic opportunities for income generation is one of the most challenging tasks of development in mountain areas ...

Nursery propagation

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