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Leveraging collective power through networks and platforms

KDKH and IKPP collate knowledge on transboundary disaster risks and climate issues

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Climate change impacts call for transboundary cooperation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. As a knowledge network, the Koshi Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Hub (KDKH) brought together various stakeholders from across the Koshi River basin in its annual dialogue on managing transboundary risks in a multi-hazard environment. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority, Nepal, Bihar State Disaster Management Authority, India, and Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, China jointly organised this dialogue. KDKH’s collaboration was further enhanced when its Transboundary Working Group on Landslide and Sedimentation published a policy brief emphasising the need of sediment management in the Koshi River basin.

To consolidate dispersed knowledge across the Indus River basin, we launched the Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform so knowledge on the basin is accessible to a wide range of audience in a common digital platform. IKPP has over 300 publications and a range of downloadable datasets on water resource management, hazards and risks, cryosphere, and climate related to the basin. The platform also has seven experts who provide knowledge and support to young professionals and students.

Our Koshi Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Hub is a knowledge network that fosters transboundary collaboration by bringing together various stakeholders who otherwise may not have access to one another in a common platform to discuss multi-hazard risks and possible solutions. Our Indus Knowledge Partnership Platform is a digital platform that plays a crucial role in bridging knowledge gaps and contributing to an enhanced understanding of climate change impacts across the basin.

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