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11 Jul 2021 | Institutional

Strengthening scientific and technological cooperation in China

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China Consultation Day. Photo: ICIMOD.

A restructured CN-ICIMOD Committee expands possibilities for ICIMOD in China and for China across the region

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A new structure for the CN-ICIMOD Committee was proposed and adopted following a series of meetings in 2020 led by Prof. Zhang Yaping, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Established in 2006, the CN-ICIMOD Committee promotes bilateral cooperation for ICIMOD in China, acting as a national platform for fostering closer collaboration between ICIMOD and partners in China and for coordinating and facilitating ICIMOD activities in the country.

In the new structure, CN-ICIMOD has a Secretariat housed in the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment in Chengdu and five regional offices located in the Chengdu Institute of Biology in Sichuan, the University of CAS in Beijing, the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden in Yunnan, the Tibetan Academy of Agricultural and Animal Sciences in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and Lanzhou University in Lanzhou. The restructured committee has a clear pathway for our increased cooperation with Chinese researchers and mountain-focused organizations and the enhancement of scientific and technological outreach of CAS and China in the HKH region.

Established in 2006, the CN-ICIMOD Committee promotes bilateral cooperation for ICIMOD in China, acting as a national platform for fostering closer collaboration between ICIMOD and partners in China and for coordinating and facilitating ICIMOD activities in the country.
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