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Promoting ambitious climate action for the HKH

Leveraging the COP meetings to amplify HKH voices

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Delegates from the eight HKH countries, including UNFCCC national focal points and HKH High-Level Task Force members – along with representatives from the COP26 Presidency – met on 15 July 2021 to raise a unified voice for the HKH in the run up to the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The consultative meeting also launched the HKH2Glasgow campaign.

Under the title #HKH2Glasgow Road to COP26, the campaign worked on amplifying mountain voices to promote ambitious climate action for the HKH at COP26 and scale up investment in mountain-specific priorities. It generated interest around three key messages:


Recognise the HKH as the pulse of the planet – a region that is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change


Invest in mountain-specific climate priorities to enhance the resilience of mountain communities


Harness the strength of the 8 HKH countries to enhance regional and international cooperation for climate action

Supported by an analysis of mountain-specific priorities reflected in the HKH country climate action plans and COVID-19 recovery measures, the HKH2Glasgow campaign developed its core messages with inputs from the eight countries, and also worked closely with the COP26 Presidency since December 2020 to amplify the messages.

As a part of this campaign, we participated in several key meetings during COP26 and organised events at the Cryosphere Pavilion as a part of the HKH Focus Day on 9 November 2021, along with several other events in collaboration with partners.

During HKH focus day, we introduced the Mountains of Opportunity investment framework to scale up investment in mountain-specific climate priorities. This framework will enable investment partners – including HKH governments, mountain communities, financial institutions, private sector actors, and development partners – to identify, align, and scale up investment in mountain-specific climate priorities in the near to medium term. It identifies six investment priorities aligned to climate action and COVID-19 recovery that will contribute to climate-resilient, carbon-neutral mountain societies.

As a result of efforts in the three work packages – evidence, policy engagement, and strategic communication and engagement – the Mountains of Opportunity investment framework received endorsement from Rt. Hon’ble Sher Bahadur The Mountains of Opportunity investment framework received endorsement from Rt. Hon’ble Sher Bahadur Deuba, Prime Minister, Government of Nepal, and strong support from high-level representatives from our RMCs Deuba, Prime Minister, Government of Nepal, and strong support from the high-level representatives from our RMCs.

Aligning COVID-19 recovery packages with climate action presents a huge opportunity to scale up investment in green, resilient, and inclusive development in the HKH. Delivering ambitious climate action in the region will require increased financial flows that are aligned with policy instruments and capacity.

To take these efforts further, we continue to develop the Mountains of Opportunity investment framework as a platform to mobilise and scale-up investments for climate action in mountains under the framework of the HKH Call to Action, with outreach at national, regional, and global scale.

The investment framework shall be launched at COP 27 and will entail:

  • Identifying target-bound investment opportunities for climate action in the HKH
  • Establishing an investors’ alliance
  • Developing the management framework
The Mountains of Opportunity investment framework received endorsement from Rt. Hon’ble Sher Bahadur Deuba, Prime Minister, Government of Nepal, and strong support from high-level representatives from our RMCs

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