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State of Gender Equality and Climate Change in Nepal

ICIMOD–UN report highlights areas for gender-responsive climate action

70% Complete

We collaborated with UN Women and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to co-produce State of Gender Equality and Climate Change in Nepal, a report highlighting areas where gender-responsive climate action is needed for Nepal to meet global commitments.

The Government of Nepal has made much progress in integrating gender into climate change policies and recognised the need to integrate gender equality and social inclusion into adaptation and mitigation programmes. However, major limitations remain, such as the lack of an intersectional approach and of functional linkages between the federal, provincial, and local levels.

Such gaps prevent policies from adequately addressing gendered vulnerabilities and fully utilising the knowledge, skills, and capacities of all marginalised groups for climate change mitigation and adaptation. To help fill these gaps, our report provides information on the status of gender mainstreaming and identifies good practices across the forestry, agriculture, energy, and water sectors. We also present recommendations on planning out further policy work, capacity building, coordination, and research.

The report provides information on the status of gender mainstreaming and identifies good practices across the forestry, agriculture, energy, and water sectors

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