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A water use master plan (WUMP) is a holistic, participatory, and inclusive planning process that takes an integrated approach to the management of water resources and uses at the village level. The WUMP specifies the total water budget for its planning unit, the village development committee (VDC), and explores potential uses for it. It empowers marginalized groups to claim their rights to an equitable share of water within and between communities. The WUMP also helps local bodies with annual and periodic planning and project prioritization.
15 districts in the Western, Mid-Western, and Far-Western Development Regions of Nepal
WOCAT database reference: QA NEP 36
Location: 15 districts in the Western, Mid-Western, and Far-Western Development Regions of Nepal
Approach area: >3,000 km2
Land use: Not specified
Type of approach: Project/programme based
Focus: Water conservation, water sources, catchment area
Related technology: Not described
Stakeholders/target groups: VDCs, district development committees (DDCs), resource organizations, Local service providers, NGOs, consultants, Local communities
Compiled by: Madan Raj Bhatta, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Date: July 2011, updated March 2013
Comment: This is a broad and integrated approach; WUMP advocates water conservation; water harvesting, and technologies that promote the efficient use of water
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