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A regional workshop on ‘SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) impact pathway, partnership and communication strategy’ was held 11-15 July 2016 in Kathmandu.
After the completion of SERVIR Himalaya phase I (2010-1015), the second phase initiated its activities with consultation workshops in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan to define the priorities and explore potential collaborations. The workshop furthered understanding of the developed work plans and the M&E framework. It also brought together regional collaborating partners to provide inputs and feedback to the M&E framework and develop a common understanding on partnership for design and implementation of SERVIR-HKH activities. More than 35 participants from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal including United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) participated in the workshop.
The workshop contributed in finalising the M&E Framework which included theory of change and impact pathway approaches and to develop a partnership and communication strategy for SERVIR-HKH.
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