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29 Jun 2017 | Climate change

REDD+ Experts Meet at the Ministry of Climate Change in Pakistan

The Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), Government of Pakistan, hosted a meeting with representatives from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) on 17 May 2017 in Islamabad, Pakistan. Secretary of the Ministry of Climate Change, Syed Abu Ahmad Akif chaired the event, which was attended by high-level officials from the Ministry, including the Inspector General Forests (IGF) and Deputy IGFs. Those present shared their views on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) in Pakistan and in the region.

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Representatives from Pakistan at the event Photo: ICIMOD

Broadly, the meeting paved the way forward for creating synergies and future lines of action in the context of REDD+ based on the experiences of the Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan, the REDD Implementation Center (RIC), the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC), Nepal, and ICIMOD. Experts from ICIMOD and Nepal’s REDD RIC presented their insights into joint actions related to REDD+ in the region, including Nepal.

Participants at the meeting, Photo: ICIMOD

The coordinator of Pakistan’s National REDD+ Programme briefed those present on the national REDD+ programmes being implemented by the Ministry of Climate Change. Pakistan has been engaging in programmes pertinent to climate change, forestry, and REDD+ increasingly in the last decade. The meeting was useful in identifying room for possible future collaboration between the Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan and ICIMOD in the context of REDD+ stakeholder capacity building in the region, including in Pakistan.

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