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6 Feb 2015 | Cryosphere

Master Programme Thesis

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Florencia Matina Tuladhar completed her thesis on “Determination of factors influencing recession of Himalayan glaciers in the context of supra-glacial lakes” under the supervision of Samjwal Bajracharya, remote sensing specialist at ICIMOD from December 2014 to May 2015. Tuladhar’s research was conducted while at ICIMOD and explored the role of supraglacial lakes in retreat of debris covered glaciers lakes present only in debris covered glaciers. Her thesis aimed to detect interannual variation in supraglacial lake area of debris-covered glaciers in Dudh Koshi basin in addition to testing the hypothesis that supraglacial lakes play significant roles in glacier retreat. Tuladhar’s thesis will contribute data on the effect of other factors like the presence of debris cover, slope, and contact with water bodies on glacier retreat. Research in this area is limited. Tuladhar submitted her thesis for Master of Science in Geoinformatics from the Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) University in India.

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