
HICAP comprises of seven major components: 


The components are interrelated in that climate change impacts on water resources can have far-reaching implications for both ecosystems services and food security, which in turn can lead to increased vulnerability of mountain communities, including women, to drivers of climate change, thereby making actions on the adaptation front both urgent and necessary. The main challenge of HICAP is to integrate not only ‘gender’ across all components but also the findings of the different components at appropriate scales, and communicate them to the wider public, including policy- and decision-makers at all relevant levels as well as the mountain communities of the Hindu Kush Himalayan region.

Component Output(s)
1. Climate change scenarios Downscaled and customized climate scenarios at the basin and sub-basin level
2. Water availability and demand scenarios Water availability and demand scenarios at the sub-basin level
3. Ecosystem services Analysis of risks and opportunities for natural and managed ecosystems and the implications for sustained ecosystem services at the sub-basin level
4.Food security Food security assessment at household and community levels, future scenarios at regional and selected sub-basin levels, and analysis of their relation to downstream food security
5. Vulnerability and adaptation Analysis of autonomous adaptation patterns and strategies at the community level and their linkages with planned adaptation in the current policy environment; use of this evidence to establish conducive policy frameworks
6.Gender and adaptation Analysis of differences in impacts and adaptive capacities between women and men; identification of strategies for ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities for marginalized, minority, and indigenous people, especially women
7.Communications and outreach Awareness raising, capacity building, and innovative dissemination of findings and recommendations contributing to informed decision making at local, regional, and international levels


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