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19 Mar 2018 | Indus Basin Initiative

Greening Barren Land: Facilitating Irrigation and Agricultural Activity in Upper Hunza, Pakistan

A new World Wildlife Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan) project is set to pilot water-lifting technologies appropriate for the irrigation of barren lands in Upper Hunza, Pakistan. The project will enable and facilitate the process of pumping water from the Indus River to surrounding areas, enabling farmers to use the water for agricultural purposes.

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WWF-Pakistan plans to experiment with solar pumps and hydro ramp pumps, and install drip irrigation equipment and sprinkles to pump water from the Indus River. Installation of these technologies will enable currently barren land to be used to plant apple orchards and vegetable gardens, and thus increase food security and livelihood options for local farmers.

The project, titled “Agricultural Water, Energy, and Hazard Management in the Upper Indus Basin for Improved Livelihood and Building Resilience in Gilgit, Pakistan”, is being implemented with support from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).

WWF-Pakistan has already mobilized resources from relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations to provide quality apple plants to farmers. It is also working to introduce improved agricultural practices to the region and increase the capacity of local farmers to effectively and efficiently utilize land that currently lies barren.

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