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As part of ongoing efforts to engage private sector entities in its activities, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) organized a meeting with a targeted group of private sector bodies at its Reconstruction Project Site in Nuwakot on 23 June.
The introductory meeting was also an invitation for private sector organizations to explore their interest in the project as partners and supporters focusing on their key competencies, corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, and/or any possibilities for joint activities. The reconstruction and rehabilitation of Dhungetar village in Nuwakot is based on the concept of Resilient Mountain Villages (RMV). RMV entails developing a community-driven integrated model village engaging various stakeholders. Such a village serves as a demonstration village. The approach takes into account rebuilding disaster resilient shelter/infrastructure and improving sustainable livelihoods in a local context. The aim is to develop and share knowledge and best practices in a post-disaster situation to help communities bounce back better with potential replication in other mountain areas of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH).
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The participants were given a brief background of the Dhungetar Reconstruction Project. This was followed by an interaction with the local community and visits to the local inter-locking brick manufacturing location, the model house, and the shelter reconstruction site. Representatives from Dabur Nepal Private Limited, NMB Bank Limited, Biogas Sector Partnership (BSP) Nepal, Innovative Design Concern Pvt Ltd (Indeco), Federation of Women Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal (FWEAN), Zero-Waste Management, V-Chitra, and Nuwakot Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended the field visit and participated in discussions for future collaboration.
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