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Benjamin Franklin rightly said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
We often fail to implement this in our everyday lives. Be it our daily chores or a big development project, it is always better to prepare for success rather than failure.
The Kailash Sacred Landscape Conservation and Development Initiative (KSLCDI) team shared Franklin’s philosophy with the Khar community with regard to their outlook on climate change and its effect on allo value chain development in Darchula district of Nepal. Two days of training were organised for allo user groups from Sundamunda and Godani 26-27 May 2016. Twenty-five people attended the training which included partners from the Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA), representing Kailash Sacred Landscape from India.
Lipy Adhikari
1 min Read
After traveling a long distance, participants from Sundamunda and Godani arrived excited and eager to see sketches and drawings on climate change. The illustrations are used as training tools to deliver knowledge on different topics. ‘Climate change is taking place’, an elderly woman said. She said she’d seen a change in snow accumulation in Khar winters and the amount of snow had decreased drastically over the last ten years from up to 1ft to less than 4 inches. Similarly, participants said drought conditions had increased in recent years.
‘The risk level is not high but we are afraid it will increase’, one of the participants said when the team asked about the level of risk they faced in terms of resources. The group brainstormed to identify useful adaptive strategies for minimising their risks. Some of the strategies shared by the participants for minimising the effects of climate change and maintaining sustainable allo business in the area were: nursery establishment for resource sustainability; rain water harvesting and afforestation programs for water conservation; use of improved cooking stoves for efficient energy supply; and introducing drought resistant species.
Gaur Singh Dhami, Chairperson of Godani Allo Users Group expressed the need to generate employment for each individual in the village.
‘Every single person must earn for oneself’, Mr Dhami said and urged participants to share and follow what they learned from the training to benefit the village. Mohan Bhatt from CHEA said the trainings and workshops motivates people to produce quality products in their villages and strengthens transboundary relationships in the region and must be an integral part of any development initiative.
Gaur Singh Dhami explains the message to the group. Photo : Chandra Kanta Subedi
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