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11 Dec 2019 | Water management

Contour Hedgerows of Nitrogen-fixing Plants and Shelter/Protection Belts to Reduce Runoff and Soil Loss

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Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD.

These methods are both soil management and water management methods. They are described there.

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research

A plant nursery was established in the lower area of the site to ensure an adequate ...

11 Dec 2019 Vegetation management
Biofencing/Live fencing

Biofencing/Live Fencing Live fences are lines of trees or shrubs planted on farm or field boundaries that provide protection against cattle ...

11 Dec 2019 Scientific research
Carbon monitoring

An inventory of carbon monitoring plots was conducted in May 2012 to establish a mechanism for long-term monitoring of forest ...

Why are wetlands important?

Wetlands are important because they provide habitat for thousands of species of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Wetlands are ...

11 Dec 2019 Water management
Various water harvesting ways

Natural Spring Water Harvesting There is a natural spring on the site at the Sungure Khola Chiso Pani Dhara. ...

11 Dec 2019 Income generation
High Value Cash Crops

Cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants under agroforestry Medicinal and aromatic plants are not ...

11 Dec 2019 Soil management
Pusa vermicomposting

Vermicomposting, or worm composting is a simple technology for converting biodegradable waste into organic manure with the help of earthworms ...

18 Dec 2020 Vegetation management
Vegetable cultivation in green house

You might know what a #greenhouse is. But did you know that you can build a ...