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Freshwater ecosystem assessment handbook

An important guide for the conservation and sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems in Nepal

70% Complete

We are working with the Forest Research and Training Centre, Government of Nepal, on a freshwater ecosystem assessment handbook with a view to ensure that the social, environmental, and cultural impacts of hydropower projects are taken into consideration during planning. The handbook is an implementation guide supplementary to the Hydropower Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Manual 2018. Its preparation has involved a rigorous process, including a series of consultations with multiple stakeholders with an aim to build capacity in conducting freshwater ecosystem assessments as a part of the EIA process.

An important milestone for the freshwater management sector in Nepal, the handbook is a guiding document for detailed assessment and monitoring using standard tools and methods for the conservation and sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems in Nepal. It may also be used to build national capacity on freshwater ecosystem assessment.

The handbook – being produced by the Forest Research and Training Centre, Ministry of Forests and Environment, with ICIMOD support – will build capacity in conducting freshwater ecosystem assessments as a part of the EIA process in Nepal

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