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9 Jan 2025 | Announcements

Request for Proposal (RFP): collaborate with ICIMOD as industrial partner in the agriculture crop residue pelletisation project in the Terai region of Nepal

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The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is seeking proposal from reputed and experienced enterprises to procure, install, and commission a paddy straw/agriculture crop residue-based pellet plant in the Terai region of Nepal, developing sustainable agriculture crop residue (ACR) supply chain and the pellet market.

ICIMOD has partnered with the Punjab State Council for Science and Technology (PSCST) as the technology partner to implement the project “Reducing air pollution by creative use of pelletisation” in Indo Gangetic plains. The activity is funded by the United States Department of State (USDOS).

ICIMOD will be contributing partial financing and the necessary technical support to the selected APPLICANT(s) as seed funding to ease the procurement, installation, and commissioning of the required pelleting plant.

Scope of work

The purpose of this RFP is to invite the applications from potential manufacturing industries intending to initiate biomass pellet production using ACR as feedstock in collaboration with ICIMOD as the industrial partner, having the knowledge and skills of industrial production and market development. Thus, the scope of work for APPLICANT(s) includes but is not limited to:

Pelletisation facility:

APPLICANT(s) should be capable of setting up an entire pelleting plant for agriculture crop residue, mostly paddy straw, with a minimum production capacity of 500 kg pellets per hour and ensure its sustainable production. APPLICANT(s) should strictly adhere to the pellet’s minimum technical specifications as stated in the RFP document.

Managing the resources:

APPLICANT(s) should assure the full functionality and operation of the pellet plant with available, competent, and sufficient human resources, and well-trained operators and maintenance staff.


Pellets produced by the APPLICANT(s) must adhere to the defined specifications and be used by industries or enterprises (SMEs/MSMEs) to substitute 100% fossil fuel usage or in co-firing substituting the coal/fossil fuel partially.

Partnership commitment:

APPLICANT(s) should commit to at least 3 years’ partnership with ICIMOD for the pellet production and supply to diverse types of industries and enterprises.

Submission Requirements 

Interested APPLICANT(s) are requested to submit their RFP, including the following details:

Proposal submission

The APPLICANT(s) are required to submit the soft copy of their complete RFP via email to by 5 PM (Nepal Standard Time), 3rd February 2024. Two separate files of proposals (Not more than 3-5 pages) should be submitted – ONE technical and ONE financial, and each page of the response should be duly stamped and signed by the authorised signatory in whose favour the Power of Attorney is issued.

ICIMOD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received without providing any reason whatsoever.

ICIMOD, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Phone 977 01-5275222.

For detailed required and eligibility, please download the RFP below:

Download TOR


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