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6 Jul 2016 | News

Partnership Brokering Training at ICIMOD

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Practice-based learnings for effective partnership brokering develops robust, efficient and innovative partnerships. Offered as an open call for International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) staff and others interested in the emerging discipline of partnering approaches, a Partnership Brokers Level 1 Certified Training was organised by ICIMOD in association with the Partnership Brokers Association (PBA) 7-10 June 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The training covered training in scoping, resource mapping, facilitation, interest-based negotiation, and relationship-management, reaching agreement, reviewing, and exploration of common partnership brokering challenges.

Twenty-eight participants from eight different countries participated in the training geared toward professionals working with partners and those who manage and develop multi-stakeholder partnerships. Both male and female participants were equally represented from ICIMOD, and ICIMOD partner organisations — Practical Action, Megh Pyne Abhiyan, CEDAR, LEAD Pakistan, TMI, GUK, Kathmandu University, DHMS, Bhutan — as well as colleagues from development organisations  and NGOs (DFAT, SDC, YCI, Action against Hunger, The Asia Foundation and Heifer Project, Nepal) participated the training.

This is the second training organised by ICIMOD and PBA. Due to the relevance of the training for practitioners and the high demand, another training will be offered in February 2017. Details to follow. Interested candidates may contact for further information.

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