Our impact

Around the HKH

Success stories

Successful interventions can change lives for the better. We hope that the stories of success we record highlight the importance of research-based project implementation in the HKH as we strive towards transformative change with and for mountain people.

Resilient agriculture and entrepreneurship in Bhutan
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Transboundary tourism across the Kangchenjunga landscape
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Financing green transition
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Disasters don’t wait, and neither should preparedness
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Improving livelihoods and conservation through agroforestry
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Springs of hope
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Knowledge sharing for climate-smart livelihoods
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Diversification to reduce risks in large cardamom production
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Get involved

We are the voice of the HKH, and we invite you to join us in our mission. Whether you are a student or a scientist, in Nebraska or Nepal, the HKH impacts us all.

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A sustainable model of community-based flood early warning
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Organic agriculture
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Pivoting to clean cooking
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At home in the Far Eastern Himalaya
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The forces of climate change and globalization are wreaking havoc on this fragile global asset, wiping out resources, communities, and cultures that have existed for centuries. What are you doing to combat it?