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1 min Read
In this open issue, two articles focus on the Indian Himalayas, assessing the risk of glacial lake outburst floods and investigating risk knowledge among formal and informal urban development actors. Another article describes indigenous-driven sustainability initiatives in the Tropical Andes of Ecuador, and one examines how a wetland park on the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau, China, affects waterbird diversity. A review article systematically maps and analyzes English-language academic peer-reviewed work on climate change adaptation in European mountain systems.
The issue is available online and open access:
Note that other issues are starting to fill up as well:
Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines and submission procedure at:
The MRD Editorial Team MRD Editorial Office, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment
Reminder: Mountain Research and Development’s call for papers on addressing challenges of hazards, risks, and disaster management in mountain regions is still open. The journal is looking for trans- and interdisciplinary contributions that help understand the links between hazards, vulnerabilities, disaster management, and diverse dimensions of development, adaptation, and global change. Insights into integrative approaches to improving disaster management across the entire cycle from prevention to recovery are also highly welcome. Full papers are due by 1 September 2021.
Call for papers Exploring the links between water, food, energy, and mountain ecosystems The connections between food, water, and energy constitute a complex ...
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) invites sealed quotations from qualified and interested suppliers for the supply of ...
Research on the Economics of Natural Resource Use and Environmental Change Deadline: 18 February 2018 The South Asian Network for ...
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is issuing a request for sealed quotation to invite qualified and interested ...
Programme title ICIMOD/SERVIR-HKH Small Grants Programme Announcement type: Request for proposal RFP ...
ICIMOD is looking for a consultancy service to “Preparation of solar thermal roadmap and implementation plan for Nepal”. To provide you ...
Conserving and recovering mountain landscape functions are key concerns in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations and a focus ...
Call for Proposals Date of circulation: 30 March 2018 Original deadline: 7 May 2018 Extended deadline: 21 ...