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Call for papers: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in the Caucasus Mountains in a context of ongoing geopolitical shifts

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Photo: Marlene Thibault

Action is needed to protect the unique natural and cultural heritage and promote sustainable livelihoods in the Caucasus Mountains. This focus issue of Mountain Research and Development (MRD) intends to help deepen the understanding of critical and relevant environmental and socioeconomic aspects of sustainable mountain development and advance sustainable solutions in the Caucasus ecoregion. MRD invites systematic assessments of practice-oriented development and policy experience, empirical studies on topics emphasized in the Caucasus Regional Research Agenda 2020–2030, as well as review papers that conclude on priorities for future research, policy, or action. Notices of intent are due by 9 July 2023, full papers by 15 October 2023.

Read the detailed call for papers: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development in the Caucasus Mountains in a Context of Ongoing Geopolitical Shifts – Mountain Research and Development Journal

Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines, and submission procedure: Mountain Research and Development (MRD)

The MRD Editorial Team

MRD Editorial Office, University of Bern, Centre for Development and Environment

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