Strategies and approaches

Mainstream social and environmental safeguards/standards in national REDD+ strategies/plans.

REDD+ safeguards are holistic procedures and approaches that do no harm people or the environment, and simultaneously enhance governance, and social and environmental integrity in the framework of the implemented activities.
1. Conducting gap analyses, and establishing a regional safeguards platform as a knowledge exchange forum for national partners.
2. Conducting workshops to sensitize partners at the national level to equip them with the skills to build awareness at the local level.

Establish a regional REDD+ learning platform to foster South-South learning among HKH countries.

The regional platform aims at equipping policy makers and experts with the skills to design, implement and monitor programmes related to different social, economic, and environmental sectors by fostering the sharing of knowledge and experience.
1. Conducting regional workshops to bring together REDD+ practitioners to improve their understanding of national strategy and policy options in the development of a regional REDD+ framework.
2. Conducting lessons learnt meetings and trainings with partner countries to consolidate regional knowledge and common issues in order to facilitate policy development, and to ensure that best practices are replicated across borders.

Develop science-based innovative approaches for the implementation of REDD+ considering the co-benefits that lead to sustained conservation and development in the HKH.

1. Assisting countries in customizing REDD related approaches to suit national and sub nation circumstances.
2. Linking implementation initiatives in the HKH and guiding research frameworks to bring out best practices.

Contribute towards ICIMOD’s open data policy through shared carbon data and other relevant information.

ICIMOD has established a regional database system (RDS) that acts as a central data base for different thematic areas in the HKH and provides easy access to information.
1. Generating data in the partner countries, and through intensive research.
2. Making data available through ICIMOD’s platforms.


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