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26 May 2015 | News

Indian farmers meet local entrepreneurs in Dadeldhura

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ICIMOD and the Central Himalayan Environmental Association (CHEA) organized a five-day visit for the farmers/ beekeepers and the staff of partner organization from theKailash Sacred Landscape Conservation and Development Initiative (KSLCDI)-India from 11-16 April 2015.  The team visited Alital, a village in Dadeldhura district, Nepal, which is known for beekeeping and chyuri production.

The main objective of the visit was to provide the participants an opportunity to observe the development of community-based beekeeping enterprise, particularly modern beekeeping with indigenous honeybee, Apis cerana, beehives, and chyuri herbal soap making enterprises, interact with bee farmers, and learn from their experiences. Altogether 22 participants (19 farmers selected from different pilot villages of KSL by CHEA in consultation with local groups and communities and ICIMOD, and three CHEA staff) participated in the visit.

The exposure visit was designed as an interactive learning and reflection from the field and sharing of experiences was encouraged. Chairperson Surat Bahadur Bohora of Alital Multipurpose Cooperative, ICIMOD’s former partner in a beekeeping project, facilitated the visit.

After a brief meeting with the members of Alital Multipurpose Cooperative, the participants visited the apiaries in different villages, interacted with bee farmers, and shared their experiences of Apis cerana bee management. The participants were highly impressed with the movable frame hives for keeping bees. They also visited hive-making and soap-making facilities. In addition, they observed livestock rearing in different villages.

The visit helped the participants establish an informal network with local farmers and beekeepers in Alital. Participants said they gained valuable knowledge and inspiration from the trip, and that they felt motivated to take up beekeeping and chyuri or soap-making as income generating options.



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