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29 Jul 2015 | News

A practical lesson for Bhutanese farmers

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As part of support for Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change Adaptation Programme (Himalica), a hands-on training on sustainable land management and vegetable production was organized for strengthening vegetable value chains in Barshong gewog (block) in Bhutan from 29 June to 2 July 2015. A total of 43 individuals participated in the training.

The training mainly focused on soil and land management, organic farming, and vegetable production. Participants were given hands-on training on how to make organic manure and organic pesticide to promote organic farming in the sites. Similarly, participants also learnt how to make an A-frame and prepare contour hedgerows and check-dams to control erosion and protect soil fertility.

After the training, participants were given saplings of different kinds of fodder trees and grass to plant in their own villages with the supervision of agriculture extension officers. Discussions with key informants on water availability and management of water was conducted to design intervention for water accessibility for vegetable farming. Similarly, interview with local vegetable collectors and traders was conducted to understand difficulties in transportation and marketing in order to feed in value chain analysis of vegetables in Barshong Village.

The communities will immediately start land management to control soil erosion and water management before they do plantation in their field. Participants said that the training was timely and practical.

The training was conducted under overall guidance and supervision of Pema Chofil, Chief District Agriculture Officer of Tsirang District, who is also the local coordinator for the Himalica initiative. ICIMOD’s Sundar Kumar Rai and Anu Joshi Shrestha facilitated the training.

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