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14 Aug 2020 | Transboundary Landscapes

Supporting best practices in environmental journalism

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Harnessing the power to amplify understanding and promote climate action

Supporting best practices in environmental journalism

International, national and grassroots journalists have power to amplify understanding through traditional and online media, which is essential to promote broader engagement in climate issues and action. Our media engagement strategies include reaching out to them and to widen our media network, we sponsor media workshops in conjunction with major events and regularly provide small story grants, media fellowships and media training. With increased internet penetration into even very remote mountain regions and the proliferation of online news portals, we recognize that we need to reach beyond the English speaking urban areas and enhance our own science communications in local languages. To this end, our Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape (HKPL) Initiative and WWF-Pakistan trained 35 journalists from Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, on best practices in technical environmental reporting.

The three-day workshop focused on the importance of covering environmental issues including climate change and its growing impacts on water resources, glaciers, biodiversity, wildlife, and landscapes. The Gilgit-Baltistan Environmental Protection Agency (GBEPA) has been working very closely with the participants for the regional uptake of impactful climate change and wildlife conservation stories and organizations such as the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Gilgit-Baltistan Rural Support Progamme (GBRSP) have been including local journalists in their consultative meetings to ensure wider outreach and awareness on environmental issues.

With increased internet penetration into even very remote mountain regions and the proliferation of online news portals, we recognize that we need to reach beyond the English speaking urban areas and enhance our own science communications in local languages.

Chapter 5

Engaging policy makers

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