Amina Maharjan

Intervention Manager - Foresight & Policy options
Resilient mountain economies and landscapes (SG2)
Transforming livelihoods and economies (SG2-AAC)

I play the role of bringing science and society closer. I identify myself as a connector, who is interested in equitable development of mountain communities. My aim is to ensure that scientific knowledge is useful for the development of mountain societies and to translate the knowledge needs of mountain communities to the scientific community.

Amina Maharjan


How do you protect the pulse of the planet?


I protect the pulse of the planet by providing knowledge-based solutions to the challenges faced by the HKH mountain societies.


What is your favorite part of the work you do at ICIMOD?


The flexibility, scope for innovation, local-regional-global relevance of work that ICIMOD conducts is what I enjoy the most. Since our overall bio-physical environment and socio-economic situations are constantly changing and are connected across space, for any institution and its work to be relevant, it has to be flexible and innovative in its approach.


What are you passionate about?


I am a people person and interested in a wide range of topics that impact life and livelihoods of mountain people. More specifically, I’m passionate about human mobility and migration and their linkages with the lives and livelihoods of people.


My qualifications


I have a PhD in Agriculture and prior work experience in human mobility and migration.

Posts by Amina Maharjan