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Flagship publications of 2021

Three books across three initiatives published

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In 2021, we published three books based on the work across three different initiatives.

We co-published an open-access book with Springer, Earth observation science and applications for risk reduction and enhanced resilience in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region: A decade of experience from SERVIR, capturing lessons and experiences in utilising Earth observation science and applications to address environmental challenges in the HKH. This book is a good reference document for those working in remote sensing, geographic information systems, regional and spatial sciences, climate change, and environmental analysis.


Through our SANDEE network, along with East-West University (Bangladesh), Goa University (India), and Oberlin College (USA), we co-edited an open access book, Climate change and community resilience: Insights from South Asia, to bring attention to how communities are adapting to climate change in the region. Rigorous research is narrated in a storytelling style, making the book accessible to diverse audiences. The book has over 120,000 downloads since October 2021 and has been adopted as a resource material in some universities.


In 2021, we also published Primates of the Far Eastern Himalaya. This book, which features 16 primate species from the landscape, is aimed at drawing attention to several endangered and lesser-known species that are of critical conservation concern. It highlights the incredible diversity of primates in the region, key aspects of their ecology, their place in folklore and creation stories, and ongoing conservation efforts.
Drawing on the breadth and depth of our experience and engagement in the region, our flagship publications are enduring resources and references focusing on Earth observation, community resilience, and species mapping

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