Policies on energy


Policies on energy

Policy Year Country Short description (From report)

Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy 2019 (ARE Policy 2019)



Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy 2019 (ARE Policy 2019) aims to create a conducive environment for the sustainable growth of ARE Sector in Pakistan. The ARE Policy 2019 includes a variety of investment options for tapping different ARE resources for on-grid and off-grid applications, as well as encouraging consumer-driven applications and initiatives. Attractive policy instruments supplement GoP’s open-door initiatives for private investment in ARE sector in Pakistan as it is envisaged to contribute its share in strengthening and improving the power supply position of the country and help fuel rapid and environmentally sustainable economic growth.

Power Generation Policy 2015



The objectives of the Power Generation Policy 2015 are: To provide sufficient power generation capacity at the least cost; To encourage and ensure exploitation of indigenous resources; To ensure that all stakeholders are looked after in the process; a win-win situation; To be attuned to safeguarding the environment.

National Power Policy 2013



The National Power Policy 2013 frames the broad contours of the energy policy, articulating the Vision for the power sector, highlighting its key challenges, setting major goals, summarising policy principles, and highlighting the strategy devised to achieve Pakistan’s aspirations.

Pakistan 2025: One Nation – One Vision



Pakistan 2025: One Nation – One Vision

The Pakistan 2024: One Nation – One Vision presents the country’s strategy and roadmap to reach national goals and aspirations. The ultimate goal envisioned is for Pakistan to be one of the ten largest economies in the world by 2047. The seven pillars of Vision 2025 are based on the imperatives of embracing change and transformation and creating new opportunities. The pillars of the Vision are: People first: developing social and human capital and empowering women; Growth: sustained, indigenous, and inclusive growth; Governance: democratic governance; institutional reform and modernisation of the public sector; Security: energy, water and food security; Entrepreneurship: private sector and entrepreneurship-led growth; Knowledge economy: developing a competitive knowledge economy through value addition; Connectivity: modernising transport infrastructure and regional connectivity.

Framework for Implementation of Climate Change Policy (2014-2030)



The development of the Framework for Implementation of Climate Change Policy is a follow-up of the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP), the parent document providing a broader framework concerning how to adapt to the changing impacts of climate and how to play a role in its mitigation. This Framework for Implementation of NCCP is developed keeping in view the current and future anticipated climate change threats to Pakistan’s various sectors.

National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Alternative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations, 2015



The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Alternative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations, 2015, established the following Regulations to establish a framework for the regulation of Distributed Generation by using alternative and renewable energy and net metering.

National Electric Vehicle Policy



The main objectives of the National Electric Vehicle Policy include: Mitigate climate change through a reduction in emissions from the transport sector; Create a pivot to industrial growth in Pakistan and encourage auto and related industry

to move towards local EV manufacturing; Forge links with the global EV value chain for the export potential of EVs and their parts; Meet the objective of generating employment through Green Economy initiatives; Reduce oil import bills; Use electricity in off-peak times for useful purposes; Develop affiliated industry such as battery manufacturing, charging infrastructure, etc.

National Offshore Wind Energy Policy 2015



The National Offshore Wind Energy Policy 2015 aims to provide a legal framework for the development of the offshore wind sector in India.

Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for procurement of power from Grid Connected Wind Solar Hybrid Projects



The Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for procurement of power from Grid Connected Wind Solar Hybrid Projects aims to provide a framework for procurement of electricity from ISTS Grid Connected Wind-Solar Hybrid Power Projects through a transparent process of bidding.

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles – Guidelines and Standards -reg.



Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles – Guidelines and Standards (reg) is to promote the manufacturing and adoption of electric vehicles in the country by laying down an enabling framework for expanding an adequate charging infrastructure.

India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)



India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) provides a 20-year perspective and recommendations to address the cooling requirements across sectors, ways and means to provide access to sustainable cooling.

Compendium of Central & State Government Policies and Regulations issued by Regulatory Commissions on Hydro Power



The Compendium of Central & State Government Policies and Regulations issued by Regulatory Commissions on Hydro Power includes several hydropower policies and regulations issued (enacted) by the Ministry of Power (Government of India) as well as various State Governments in India.

National Policy on Biofuels 2018



The National Policy on Biofuels 2018 aims to provide a legal framework for the development of biofuels in the energy and transportation sector in India.

Draft National Energy Policy (NEP)



The key objectives of the Draft National Energy Policy (NEP) are Access at affordable prices, Improved security and Independence, Greater Sustainability and Economic Growth.

National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy



The main objective of the Policy is to provide a framework for the promotion of large grid-connected wind-solar PV hybrid systems for optimal and efficient utilisation of transmission infrastructure and land, reducing the variability in renewable power generation and achieving better grid stability. The Policy also aims to encourage new technologies, methods, and way-outs involving the combined operation of wind and solar PV plants.

National Electricity Plan (Volume I) Generation



The National Electricity Plan (Volume I) Generation aims to ensure reliable access to electricity in the country. The Electricity Plan includes Demand Side Management (DSM); Energy Efficiency and Conservation; Demand Projections; Generation Planning; Renewable Energy Sources; Hydro Power; Gas Based Power Plants; Coal Requirement; Fund Requirement; Emissions from Power Sector; R&D in Power Sector; Human Resource Development.

National Electricity Plan (Volume II) Transmission



The National Electricity Plan (Volume II) Transmission covers the Transmission and related aspects. As per the stipulation of sub-section (4) of Section 3 of the Act, the Plan is in accordance with the National Electricity Policy, covering a review of the 12th Plan in detail and a detailed plan for the period 2017-22 and a perspective plan for the period 2022-27.

Draft National Policy on Geo-Thermal Energy



The Vision of the Draft National Policy on Geo-Thermal is to make a substantial contribution to India’s long-term energy supply and reduce national greenhouse gas emissions by developing a sustainable, safe, secure, socially and environmentally responsible geothermal energy industry, apart from creating new employment opportunities and leading to environmentally sustainable development by means of deployment of 1 GW (thermal) and 20 MW (electrical) Geothermal Energy Capacity in the initial phase till 2022 and 10 GW (thermal) and 1 GW (electrical) by 2030. Mitigating demand-side electricity requirements by deploying Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP’S) and retrofitting the existing HVAC systems with a Geo-exchange-based system.

Automobile Industry Development Policy, 2020 (Draft)



The Policy has a ten-year time frame, but it can be extended to 12–15 years. It will help build an auto industry in the country. The growth will happen in four stages: initial stage, local assembly promotion stage, local production promotion stage, and liberalisation & international competition stage.

Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission Act, 2003



The Act makes provisions for establishing an independent and impartial regulatory commission for the energy sector.

Country Action Plan for Clean Cookstoves



Bangladesh Country Action Plan for Clean Cookstoves (CAP) outlines how to build the country’s clean cookstove market. Its goal is to ensure that all cooking solutions are clean by 2030. To do this, the CAP gives interested parties (donors, businesses, NGOs, and policymakers) with intervention options. This CAP is based on stakeholder input and addresses the macro-environment, cookstove scenario in Bangladesh, tackling major issues, and key performance indicators for Bangladesh.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan up to 2030



The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Master Plan (EECMP) is Bangladesh’s supreme Plan for energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C), which is mandated under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Rules (2014). Under the EECMP, three EE&C programs will be promoted: Energy Management, EE Labeling, and EE Buildings. These programs will target significant energy-consuming entities and equipment in the industrial, residential, and commercial sectors.

Building Energy Efficiency & Environment Rating (BEEER) for Design and Construction of Buildings (Draft)



The Building Energy Efficiency & Environment Rating (BEEER) for Design and Construction of Buildings provides the rating guidelines, BEEER criteria and points, BEEER certification process, and evaluation procedures for the design and construction of energy efficient buildings.

Electricity (Amendment) Act, 2012



An Act to amend the law relating to the supply and use of electrical energy.

Power System Master Plan 2016



The 2016 Power System Master Plan (PSMP) intends to assist Bangladesh in establishing comprehensive energy and power development plan up to the year 2041, covering energy balance, power balance, and tariff policies. Toward the end of the 21st century, Bangladesh aims to become a high-income country. In order to reach the VISION, this master plan sets out the goal and “five key viewpoints”: improving the infrastructure for importing energy and making it more adaptable; enhancing the development and use of domestic natural resources (such as gas and coal); constructing a reliable, high-quality power grid; promoting the use of renewable energy sources; enhancing human resources and mechanisms related to ensuring a reliable energy supply.

Onshore Wind Power Projects Installation Guideline



The objective of these guidelines is to facilitate the development of wind power projects in an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally benign manner, taking into consideration the requirements of energy developers/investors to develop a project financeable site and national imperatives.

Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector, 2008



The Policy Guidelines for Enhancement of Private Participation in the Power Sector in 2008 support the objective of the government of Bangladesh to augment generation capacity to meet existing power shortage and demand-growth in future years. In order to encourage more private participation in the power sector, Bangladesh’s government has issued these guidelines. In particular, the guidelines address: Commercial Power Plants; PPP for Old and Inefficient Power Plants; PPP for Joint Venture Power Plants; Wheeling of Power; Qualification of Investors; Power Purchase, Fuel Supply and Land Lease/Transfer; Licensing/ Approval/ Clearance; Support and Fiscal Incentives.

National Electricity Policy 2021 2021 Pakistan Supply of reliable, secure, efficient and affordable electricity is one of the primary drivers for sustainable growth of a nation’s economy.
The National Renewable Energy Policy 2015 Afghanistan In line with the plan to meet 10 percent of national demand with RE by 2032 (350 – 450 MW), the government has set out an RE policy and policy implementation strategy with a focus on stimulating privately-financed projects, both small-scale and large and is consistent with ARREP and APSMP.
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority Act, 2012 2012 Bangladesh The Act establishes the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) to facilitate renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in Bangladesh.
Renewable Energy Policy of Bangladesh, 2008 2008 Bangladesh The objective of the Renewable Energy Policy is to facilitate deployment in rural, peri-urban and urban areas to meet both electricity and thermal energy needs. It sets a target to develop renewable energy sources to meet 5% of total power demand by 2015 and 10% by 2020.
Electricity Act of Bhutan, 2001 2001 Bhutan The Act enabled the restructuring of the power supply industry making possible the participation of the private sector by providing mechanisms and regulations for licensing and operations. It also led to the establishment of the Bhutan Electricity Authority as an autonomous regulatory body (National Assembly of Bhutan, 2014).
Alternative Renewable Energy Policy, 2013 2013 Bhutan The AREP 2013 policy aims to promote and encourage the use of renewable energy in both urban and rural areas. The policy identifies long-term and short-term objectives and covers technical and financial support, fiscal incentives, and tariff setting for grid-connected and distributed renewable energy solutions. Large hydro projects are not covered under this policy (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2017).
Energy Efficiency and Conservation, 2019 2019 Bhutan The policy strives to ensure demand side management of energy intensive sectors including building, appliances, industry, and transport. The measures in these targeted sectors are expected to reduce energy intensity and GHG emission, as well as increase revenue from electricity export (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2019a).
Renewable Energy Law, 2005 2005 China The dedicated renewable energy law provides for the purchase of renewable energy generation by power grid operators. The law also offers financial and tax incentives for renewable energy development.
Solar Charkha Mission 2018 India The Solar Charkha Mission of the Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), was launched in 2018, aiming to cover 50 solar charkha clusters in rural areas.
Scale up to Access of Clean Energy Scheme (ACE) 2018 India The “Scale Up of Access to Clean Energy (ACE) for Rural Productive Uses” initiative enhances the use of reliable and affordable renewable energy for rural productive uses/livelihoods in un-served and under-served areas in 3 states; Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha for strengthening rural livelihoods, improving income generation and reduce use of fossil fuels.
Developing and promoting DRE livelihood applications in rural areas Policy (draft) 2020 India The policy covers various aspects including demand assessment, R&D and standardization, pilot and up-scaling of DRE livelihood applications, access to financing, skills development and capacity building, public information and awareness and coordination across ministries/departments.
National Action Plan on Climate Change 2008 India Provided the basis for the establishment of an autonomous body to facilitate the implementation of various policies, programmes and projects in the field of renewable energy.
Draft Renewable Energy Policy 2014 Myanmar It aims to address technological needs for energy services by introducing renewable energy technology. It seeks to deploy renewable resources through wind, solar, hydro and biomass for communities, private enterprises and the other national and international stakeholders.
Hydropower Development Policy 2001 Nepal The Hydropower Development Policy pursued to introduce competitive environment for electricity development with the setup of an independent regulatory body and unbundling of NEA. This policy also emphasized bilateral and regional energy cooperation.
Rural Energy Policy 2006 Nepal Poverty reduction and environment conservation in rural areas by incorporating different source of energy utilized for household and socio-economic purposes and enhancing access to clean, appropriate, sustainable and reliable energy.
Climate Change Policy 2011 Nepal Reduce GHG emissions by promoting clean energy. RE subsidy policy and subsidy delivery mechanism 2016: Subsidy allocation for promoting renewable energy for both productive and consumptive use.
National Energy Efficiency Strategy 2018 Nepal Aim to double improvement rate of EE from 0.84% per year 2000-2015 to 1.68% per year by 2030
White Paper of Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation 2018 Nepal Increase investment in hydropower development including the transmission line and distribution of electricity. Encourage use of RE and improve energy security and institutional reform.
National Climate Change policy 2019 Nepal Promote green economy by adopting the concept of low carbon emission and integrate CC issues into policies, strategies plans and program at different sector.
Fifteen Periodic Plan (2019/20 – 2023/24) 2020 Nepal 12% contribution of RE in total energy consumption and aim to provide additional 15% population access to electricity.
Alternative Energy Development Board Act 2010 Pakistan Provided the basis for the establishment of an autonomous body to facilitate the implementation of various policies, programmes and projects in the field of renewable energy.
Alternative and Renewable Energy Policy 2019 Pakistan The ARE Policy 2019 updates the earlier Policy for Development of Renewable Energy for Power Generation, 2006. It provides a framework for the scale-up of renewable energy solutions in the power sector. Small hydro is not considered and is likely to be covered under a separate policy.
NEPRA (Alternative & Renewable Energy) Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations 2015 Pakistan It provides a framework for domestic, commercial and industrial consumers to sell surplus power generated by renewables up to 1 MW to DISCOs.
NEPRA (Interconnection for Renewable Generation Facilities) Regulations 2015 Pakistan It facilitates interconnection of renewable energy based projects with the electrical networks of the distribution companies or the transmission companies.
National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Act 2016 Pakistan It aims to develop mechanisms and procedures for effective implementation of energy efficiency measures, including demand-side initiatives such as the Standards and Labelling regime for equipment and appliances. The National Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority (NEECA) has been established as the nodal agency for implementation.