Programme outcomes, goal and objectives

Improved cooperation among India, Bhutan and Nepal for sustainable and inclusive ecosystem management in Kangchenjunga Landscape for enhanced and equitable livelihood benefits, contributing to global conservation agendas.

Programme outcomes

Improved cooperation among India, Bhutan and Nepal for sustainable and inclusive ecosystem management in Kangchenjunga Landscape for enhanced and equitable livelihood benefits, contributing to global conservation agendas.


The Kangchenjunga landscape is better conserved and managed for sustaining ecosystem goods and services to improve livelihoods and enhance ecological integrity, economic development, and socio-cultural resilience to environmental changes.

  • Improve economic and social status of women and men, particularly of disadvantaged groups through improved eco-friendly and productive livelihood options;
  • Improve management of ecosystem services within and outside protected areas;
  • Improve natural resource governance, equitable access to benefits and cultural integrity in the landscape;
  • Improve cooperation among the scientists, academics, practitioners and regional member countries in development works;
  • Strengthen regional cooperation among participating regional member countries on transboundary landscape management in KL.


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