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Virtual meeting for HRUweb




Virtual meeting (via Microsoft Teams)

Date & Time

29 June 2020


The SWaRMA Initiative, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, and Codematix (based in Germany) collaborated to develop a Kabul River basin catalogue on the web-based hydrological response unit (HRUweb) tool. HRUweb is a tool for developing distributed spatial modelling entity, which is used as the input for running the process-based J2000 hydrological model.

During the planned meeting, the process for using the Kabul River basin catalogue for developing hydrological response units (HRUs) will be shared. A demo exercise will be conducted on generating river basin information using the HRUweb tool. The participants can use these skill to develop spatial entity (i.e. HRUs) to run in the J2000 hydrological mode.

This is an invitation-based meeting. The participants will be professionals and academics from Afghanistan, who were also the part of the training on hydrological modelling using JAMS/J2000, held in 2018 and 2019.