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National workshop on Social Code of Conduct for the brick sector in Nepal

The Federation of Nepal Brick Industries (FNBI) was established in 2008 to create a common platform for stakeholders in the brick sector to voice their concerns to policy makers and collectively work towards transforming the sector into an environmentally and socially responsible industry. Developing a formal document governing the sector is a significant step towards integrating gender and social issues to improve the working and living conditions of brick workers. Accordingly, a Social Code of Conduct (CoC) is being prepared with technical assistance from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and MinErgy Pvt. Ltd.


Atmosphere, Brick Initiative


Gokarna Forest Resort, Kathmandu

Date & Time

28 June 2019 to 29 June 2019

The draft of the Social CoC has been prepared in line with existing Government of Nepal documents such as the Nepal Labour Policies (2075 BS) and the Occupational Safety and Health related Brick Kiln Directives (2075 BS). The brick sector’s Social CoC aims to provide a mechanism for brick entrepreneurs’ associations to take responsibility in improving the working and living conditions of both male and female workers along with their children living near the kilns. The document will promote discussions regarding brick workers’ issues and help engagement with policy makers. In addition to the Social CoC, a “Standard Operating Practice” document is being developed to help guide brick factories and implement the CoC in the future.

Objectives and expected outcomes

As a part of ICIMOD’s Clean Brick Initiative funded by DFID Nepal, ICIMOD in partnership with the FNBI and MinErgy Pvt. Ltd. is organizing a national-level workshop on the Social CoC draft for the brick sector in Nepal.

The Social CoC draft has been shared with all district member associations of the FNBI for feedback, with the workshop aiming to finalize this document through intensive discussions among all these associations. This workshop will serve as an excellent platform for creating awareness among and drawing inputs from participants from all relevant provinces, subsequently synthesizing and producing a formal Social CoC that will have a much wider ownership and acceptance by brick kiln owners. This document could be then elevated to influence policy-making decisions in the next phase through an action plan.

Expected participants

Participants from 24 district-level brick entrepreneurs’ associations (primarily the President and Social Committee Coordinator) are expected to attend the workshop. Provincial Coordinators, focal persons, and a few key FNBI Central Committee members will also participate.


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