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1 min Read
Recently, ICIMOD embarked on a new project for biodiversity conservation and promotion: development of a useful swampy wetland area in a water-logged part of the site. Swampy wetland is land that can be used for growing plants which like their roots to be permanently wet like water iris and rushes. Developing swampy wetland with ponds surrounded by swampy areas planted with useful and/or decorative plants is a better way of using waterlogged land than struggling against nature by trying to drain it. A ‘bog’ or ‘swamp’ garden makes an attractive and conventional feature in informal or naturalistic landscaping. Such a garden provides a gradual and natural transition from aquatic to moisture loving plants with ideal conditions for amphibians and other wildlife. It provides a site for conservation of a specialised group of plants and animals.
The objectives of the wetlands development site are
The wetlands site is used to demonstrate to farmers and development workers another possibility for using an area usually considered as ‘waste’ land which is not only attractive, but also allows growth of useful species like rushes and, at the terrestrial interface, large cardamom.
Access to sources of energy is still a major limiting factor to sustainable development in may part of ...
ICIMOD has a number of ongoing activities in biodiversity conservation. At the Knowledge Park at Godavari, the emphasis ...
Vermicomposting, or worm composting is a simple technology for converting biodegradable waste into organic manure with the help of earthworms ...
Taking vegetables to a third dimension seems like the stuff of sci-fi movies, but in reality there are very effective ...
The basic principle of conservation tillage is to maintain a cover on the soil surface of residues (mulching) or vegetation ...
These methods are both soil management and water management methods. They are described there.
Soil erosion, soil degradation and declining soil fertility are widely regarded as major problems threatening the sustainable use ...
From the very beginning, we have focused on developing a variety of approaches for sharing the knowledge and ...