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Protect the pulse.

The Hindu Kush Himalaya is the pulse of the planet. Being at the top of the world, changes happen here before they happen anywhere else and the beat of this place vibrates across the globe. We are ICIMOD. Together with our partners, we protect the pulse. 

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A tale of two issues

Two issues were central for us this month: the need to challenge gender inequality and understanding the various dimensions and value of water. International Women’s Day (8 March) and World Water Day (22 March) provided us the opportunity to pause and consider these two important issues as individuals, as an institution, and collectively as the HKH region. While these two issues are usually marked and celebrated independently, for understandable reasons, they are also inextricably linked, especially in the context of our region. More importantly, both these issues are also central for our happiness, security, and wellbeing.



Call for abstracts

Deadline: 19 March 2021

KSLCDI invites abstract submissions for the Kailash Consortium of Academics and Researchers for Experience-sharing (Kailash CAFE) 2021...

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ICIMOD at the 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum

Enabling resilience for all: The critical decade to scale-up action

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Featured news/articles


International Women’s Day 2021

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Valuing water in the HKH

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Promoting agriculture information systems in Namobuddha Municipality

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COVID-19 and women entrepreneurs: A tale of leadership and resilience

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Working with the community on cryosphere monitoring

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Charting a new path for SAR applications in the HKH

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Featured videos

Disaster Preparedness through Community Based Flood Early Warning Systems

World Water Day 2021: What does water mean to you?

Women farmers and sustainable mechanization: Improving lives and livelihoods in the HKH

Climate vulnerability assessment methodologies through a gendered lens

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Featured dataset

Sub-basins of Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) Region

The dataset provides second level or sub-basin boundary of ten major river basins in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region - the Amu Darya, Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra (Yarlungtsanpo), Irrawaddy, Salween (Nu), Mekong (Lancang), Yangtse (Jinsha), Yellow River (Huanghe), and Tarim (Dayan). In addition, it also includes boundaries of two interior basins. The dataset has been developed from NASA’s 90m resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model.

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COVID-19 impact and policy responses in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted life in the HKH and compounded the vulnerabilities of mountain communities already impacted by climate change. However, it also presents an opportunity for concrete actions toward the transformation necessary for a more resilient and inclusive HKH. In this comprehensive policy paper, we assess the impacts of the pandemic, the risks and vulnerabilities, and provide policy responses and actions required for countries and more robust regional and international cooperation for the mountains.

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The HKH Call to Action to sustain mountain environments and improve livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

This HKH Call to Action is based on the HKH Assessment, which was drafted in response to requests from governments in the region, meeting a demand for a comprehensive assessment of the region’s mountains, environments, and livelihoods and proposes actions towards a shared vision for the future of the HKH region, in which its societies and its people are prosperous, healthy, peaceful, and resilient in a healthy environment. 

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प्राकृतिक श्रोतको व्यवस्थापन र दिगो विकासमा लैङ्गिक समावेशीकरणका सफल अभ्यासहरु- सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेश, नेपाल

अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय महिला दिवसकै सन्दर्भमा विभिन्न संघसंस्थाहरुबाट लैंगिक समानता र समावेशी विकासका लागि सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशमा गरिएका उदाहरणीय प्रयासहरु समावेश गरी यो पुस्तिका प्रकाशन गरिएको छ । अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय एकीकृत पर्वतीय विकास केन्द्रको कैलाश पवित्र भू–परिधि संरक्षण तथा विकास पहल, एअर पोलुशन सोलुशन्स इनिशिएटिभ, पर्वतीय क्षेत्र समानुकूलनका उपाय कार्यक्रम डब्लु.डब्लु.एफ नेपाल, सामुदायिक वन उपभोक्ता महासंघ नेपाल, र हिमवन्ती नेपालको पहलमा महिला सशक्तीकरणको क्षेत्रमा भएका राम्रा प्रयासहरुलाई यसमा समावेश गरिएको छ ।

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Biomass pellet application in brick kilns

The excessive use of coal for brick firing is one of the main causes of black carbon, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter pollution in the atmosphere. Around 1,349 brick kilns in Nepal. This coal is mainly imported from India, Indonesia, and the United States. Owing to a sharp increase in coals prices and associated environmental concerns, many brick entrepreneurs have shown great interest in alternative fuels.

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Journal articles

Gupta, N; Dahal, S; Kumar, A; Kumar, C; Kumar, M; Maharjan, A; Mishra, D; Mohanty, A; Navaraj, A; Pandey, S; Prakash, A; Prasad, E; Shrestha, K; Shrestha, MS; Subedi, R; Subedi, T; Tiwary, R; Tuladhar, R; Unni, A (2021). 'Rich Water, Poor People: Potential for Transboundary Flood Management between Nepal and India.' In Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 3: 100031 DOI: 10.1016/j.crsust.2021.100031.

We focused on the flood-related, transboundary challenges in the Koshi and Gandak river basins. We stressed that since the floods have strong upstream–downstream linkages, their management demands joint action at various levels of governance. Transboundary cooperation is essential for developing a relationship of trust and a common understanding to work towards managing floods, especially in downstream areas of Nepal and India. We recommend potential actions for transboundary flood management between Nepal and India to enhance the resilience of communities and river basins.

Hussain, A; Qamar, FM; Adhikari, L; Hunzai, AI; Rehman, Au; Bano, K (2021). 'Climate Change, Mountain Food Systems, and Emerging Opportunities: A Study from the Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape, Pakistan.' In Sustainability 13: 3057.

We investigated the mountain food systems in the Hindu Kush Karakoram Pamir Landscape, Pakistan. We collected data from four study sites at different altitudes to find that the contribution of local agriculture and livestock to people’s food consumption has gradually declined. Local food systems are losing diversity, which has negatively impacted people’s dietary diversity. In all sites, local people perceived mixed impacts of climate change on food systems. Moreover, local people perceived negative impacts of climate change on pastures and water availability in traditional irrigation systems. Benefits from local organic production, livestock integration, value chain development, traditional food crops, medicinal plants, and protected vegetables cultivation need to be maximized to reduce the vulnerability of food systems. Nepal, B; Shrestha, D; Sharma, S; Shrestha, MS; Aryal, D; Shrestha, N (2021). 'Assessment of Gpm-Era Satellite Products’ (Imerg and Gsmap) Ability to Detect Precipitation Extremes over Mountainous Country Nepal.' In Atmosphere 12: 254.

Bhattarai, S; Regmi, BR; Pant, B; Uprety, DR; Maraseni, T (2021).'Sustaining Ecosystem Based Adaptation: The Lessons from Policy and Practices in Nepal.' In Land Use Policy 104: 105391 DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2021.105391.

We examined the effectiveness of and challenges to interventions implemented through ecosystem-based adaption (EbA). Though EbA is spelled out in most of Nepal’s climate change policies, it faces sustainability issues due to low priority, lack of a proper institutional mechanism, and inadequate budget provisions. EbA-related activities are implemented on a small scale and short period and fail to demonstrate tangible impacts. The sustainability of EbA practices in Nepal will be ensured only if it is mainstreamed in the government's regular planning process, receives enough budget from the government, and has robust institutional mechanisms in place for implementing and monitoring EbA activities. Our findings can be useful for policymakers, practitioners, and development agencies to shape interventions to institutionalize the EbA approach in developing countries.

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